thank God it's Friday again. : ) aside from today being our country's 111th Independence Day, today is also my little cousin Hannah's 6th birthday. : ) we all had dinner at home tonight to celebrate. my Auntie ordered lechon and fish lumpia, and we cooked spaghetti and roasted chicken. ice cream and cakes for dessert. : ) everyone came here and we all had a great time catching up while the kids played a mini billiard and watched a Mr. Bean CD. Hannah loves Mr. Bean, so Joy made a poster for her with a lot of Mr. Bean's Teddy. isn't it cute? : )
during the afternoon, i attended our gospel meeting in church. there were a lot of sisters and gospel friends who attended that we had to place some more chairs at the back. praise the Lord. : ) sometimes, it's really hard to share the gospel. some people will reject you and even misunderstand you. but this is what we all have to learn. and we should love them just like Jesus did.
im so addicted to a game in Facebook called Mafia Wars. o.O that's what i always do online aside from blogging. and i've been sleeping later than usual because of it too. i need to stop. i wish i could stop. haha.
anyway, im off to bed in awhile.
goodnight all - if there's any! : )
and Happy Birthday to Hannah!! : )
B has been addicted to Mafia Wars too. But I so can't relate coz I never enjoyed online games. Wish you well. Take care! :)
i never enjoyed online games too. but Daniel told me to try this and i got hooked! now im having a hard time to stop . i wish you well too Sab. : ) miss ya!
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