world bazaar
we don't have classes this morning because it's the feast of the Immaculate Conception. so i invited Joy to go to the world bazaar at World Trade Center. its been a routine for me to visit this every year because of great finds. : ) we were there at 9am already. because, as of what i know, it opens at 10. but when we got there, the guard told us that they open at 12noon every Mondays-Wednesdays. tsk! i should've known earlier. so to kill time, we decided to walk around and take pictures. haha : ) 'twas fun. Aileen, Joy's sister, also joined us.. and skipped work haha. : ) and because we were really so hungry already, we crossed the road and found Jollibee. : ) Erwin, another friend, joined us too.
at exactly 12, the doors opened. we were first in line. the line was long already! i thought that because its a Monday today, the people will be fewer. but no.. i heard yesterday was worse. there was an entrance fee of 25 pesos. then we started to shop. i bought mostly gifts that my brother will be giving away. i got cute Disney tumblers, undies, oatmeal cookies, cellphone case, pants, socks, jogging pants, notebooks, polo shirts, dress, and a top. not bad. : ) i also met Sab in her booth - Cherish Closet. : ) she's nice, and looks real young. younger than me? or just the same. : ) i gave her the peanut kisses i bought from Tagaytay last week. : ) Joy also bought a cute white dress from her shop. : )
im happy that Candy is finally joining the Tagaytay Conference. : )
happy happy birthday to Ivy!! : )
Hi Debbie! :) Thank you so much for the peanut kisses. Sarap sobra. I was munching on it that night. I finished the pack na. Thanks for remembering me and it was soooo nice to finally see you. Have a happy new year! Mwah! :)
hi Sab! it was nice to see you too. : ) and see all your dresses at your booth. more power! have a happy new year too. : ) you're welcome, i love peanut kisses too. : )
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