hello! haven't written for a few days. after our exams yesterday, we finished editing and printing our papers and passed them to our panelists for our defense next week. then we went to Aubrey's place to start doing our presentation for the defense day. we found out that some part that we edited remained the same. no changes has been made. hay. and so.. we start doing it again. we finished around 4ish in the morning.. and slept for barely three hours. then my dad fetched me there (because i have so many things with me!) and came home. hoping to get some sleep, i cleaned the house, picked up the groceries, and did some chores because our maid left yesterday. only Ate Ning was left. she stayed with us for almost 30 years already. : )
my head is still spinning and i'll be sleeping in awhile.
last night, though tiring, was a fun experience. : ) we bought a lot of coffee to keep us awake through the night, but it didn't work - for me. we had barbecue for dinner, and they taught me how to use hands to eat hahaha! that's a first. then Papa came to see me and bought cheeseburgers and a chicken for us. dami food. : ) Aubrey was so funny because she stayed up later than us playing The Little Shop of Treasures on my laptop, not stopping until she beat the record time which i did last week.
six more days to go.. hope we can make it. : )
and by the way, Daniel's grandpa was out of the hospital already Tuesday night. thanks for the prayers. : ) goodnight! have a happy weekend. : )
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