Sunday, March 6, 2011


I'm sorry for the lack of posts. But I've got to say, I miss blogging!! :) So how's everyone? We're now in the third month of the year.

Since the last time I posted, a lot of things happened; for me, at least. My Dad had a problem with hypertension. He was also palpitating. One night, his heartbeat was up to 160/minute! It's so fast it freaks me out. :( And he's scared too. Who won't be? But the problem here is this: he's scared. So it beats fast. I was asking him what he's scared of, and his answer is death. We went to see some doctors but they can't find anything wrong with him. So I came to the conclusion that this is all in the mind. It's the work of the enemy. I kept praying. Even asked some people to pray for my Dad too. It's a long process.. But I don't have the time and energy now to go into all the details. I just want to share that it's been 8 days and counting since my Dad is perfectly okay! :) Praise! Thank You Lord. :)

I'm so grateful. But I tell you, when you're there, it's really so hard. You feel so helpless because you know you can't do anything. Then there's this voice in my heart that says, Trust Me. So that's just what I did. I invite you to trust too, my friend. When I see people, it makes me think what's behind every smile. What they're going through. My prayer tonight is that may each one of us learn to trust the one who loved us long before we existed. The one who called us by name. And the one who died for us. :)

Goodnight. May you all have a fruitful week ahead. :)

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