Tuesday, March 3, 2009


goodbye February. it's the third month already. and today is the first day of my final exams. we'll be submitting our take home exam in professional deontology and our paper tomorrow. last test on Thursday. and.. that's it.

this is it.

part of me feels happy that im finally graduating and i'll be stepping into the REAL world already. not the kind of world im used to, but the cruel and unforgiving world. that's what they say, anyway.

part of me feels sad to leave too. im sad of leaving Jen behind. : ( but im happy that she found a new circle of friends. they're kind, funny, and loves to eat like us too. : ) no matter who we meet, we'll always have this special bond that no one can break. when the going gets tough and the tough gets going, it's comforting to know that you have a friend. : ) there are some things that only the two of us can understand. and sometimes, we don't need words. just being there by one's side, it's already enough. : )

if there's one thing i'll miss in UST, it's my bestfriend, Jen. : )

Jen.. lets not count the days, lets make each day count. : )


Anonymous said...

debbie, thank you for all the memories.. ;)

dabi said...

thank you too Jen! college life will never be the same without you and your gift of friendship. : )