this is where you and i meet in outer webspace, where you get to read about my life, see what i have seen, hear what i have heard, be where i have been, and more... even for just a fleeting moment.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
still here.
the whole week last week was so hard for me. some of the antibiotics are not working and my body wouldn't accept it so i ended up throwing up and another trip to the doctor to change medicines. my temperature got normal only on Saturday.
i went back to church yesterday and i missed everyone. : ) twas a great feeling being back. im still under medication for my throat which is still a little painful, that's why i can't talk properly. now it's my cousin Christine who's sick with sore throat and fever. : ( her temperature last night went beyond 39. haay. she's having a hard time swallowing tablets, so we gave her syrups. but no matter what she takes, she keeps on throwing up.
this morning, we went to see the doctor with my Aunt. thank God Christine's feeling a lot better already. : ) i didn't go to work today to take care of her. : )
so here's my bed - where i stayed day and night while i was sick. i changed the bed sheets already this morning. : )
here's our meds. the bottles are different medicines mixed into one made by our doctor's wife who is a pharmacist, four in one - how cool is that? haha. and there's our trusty thermometer.
and here are some goodies which Auntie Rebecca gave me this morning which she got from Cebu. she came last night and will go back tomorrow. such a short visit. but im touched that she took time to see me. : ) i hope to get well soon so i can eat these! : )
this is the last movie i saw before i got sick. now there's the most talked about (aside from Michael Jackson's death) Transformers 2 and i can't wait to watch it!! : )
and last but not the least, my friend Candy celebrated her birthday last June 27! i was so sick i didn't got to post her anything. but it's better late than never right? =D
Candy, do you remember this picture? it's our first picture ever. haha. we're getting older.. but no matter what comes our way, im glad that we have our friendship and our faith. : ) you're one of the few who really understands me and walks the same path im walking. don't be sad anymore.. okay? thank you for everything. i love you. : )
i went back to church yesterday and i missed everyone. : ) twas a great feeling being back. im still under medication for my throat which is still a little painful, that's why i can't talk properly. now it's my cousin Christine who's sick with sore throat and fever. : ( her temperature last night went beyond 39. haay. she's having a hard time swallowing tablets, so we gave her syrups. but no matter what she takes, she keeps on throwing up.
this morning, we went to see the doctor with my Aunt. thank God Christine's feeling a lot better already. : ) i didn't go to work today to take care of her. : )

Candy, do you remember this picture? it's our first picture ever. haha. we're getting older.. but no matter what comes our way, im glad that we have our friendship and our faith. : ) you're one of the few who really understands me and walks the same path im walking. don't be sad anymore.. okay? thank you for everything. i love you. : )
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
when i woke up this Monday, my throat was painful. especially when i try to swallow and talk. so i just worked half day and came home. that night, i have fever already. im going crazy thinking i caught the flu. but after seeing the doctor yesterday morning, he said it's not. he gave me different kinds of medicines. im still sick now, and im not in the mood to do anything. : ( i feel so weak. all i do is sleep, eat a little, check my mails, and wait for time to drink another med.
D came this afternoon and stayed with me. : ) the news said that there's a typhoon, but it's not raining. hm.. i want to get well and go back to work already. D and i are supposed to have a movie date tonight! but didn't pushed through because of me being sick. : (
im touched with people who are checking on me by texting or leaving PMs. : ) thank you! : )
anyway, my clock alarmed already. time to drink meds. bye!
D came this afternoon and stayed with me. : ) the news said that there's a typhoon, but it's not raining. hm.. i want to get well and go back to work already. D and i are supposed to have a movie date tonight! but didn't pushed through because of me being sick. : (
im touched with people who are checking on me by texting or leaving PMs. : ) thank you! : )
anyway, my clock alarmed already. time to drink meds. bye!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
06. 19. 09
hello there! just came home from the Food Expo at World Trade. : ) i went there after work with D and Hans. i bought my favorite chocolate oatmeal from Antonio Pueo and tahong chips which i love so much. the others are just new finds. the people are not so many, maybe because they're about to close already. we ate dinner at Aristocrat before coming home. yum chicken barbeque. : ) im so happy that i was able to go! i've love going to food fairs. i even took the cab last year and went by myself. haha. thank you Alda for giving me complimentary tickets. : )
i haven't blogged for a few days because i've been busy with other things. school officially started for everybody in the house except me. and so, i started tutoring again. last Wednesday, i got a shot for flu and it still hurts till last night. : ( i hate getting shots. i can't imagine myself being confined at the hospital again after i did last August. i have very low tolerance for pain. anyhow.. i finally bought a new album for myself. : ) im organizing pictures in my folders then i'll print it already. : ) last night, i did not attend the Bible Study at church but went to have coffee with someone instead. i feel sad with my work and i want to work somewhere else. will you pray for me?
sorry about my post. i know its so random, and boring because of no pictures. i'll make up! goodnight all. have a happy weekend. i sure will. : )
i haven't blogged for a few days because i've been busy with other things. school officially started for everybody in the house except me. and so, i started tutoring again. last Wednesday, i got a shot for flu and it still hurts till last night. : ( i hate getting shots. i can't imagine myself being confined at the hospital again after i did last August. i have very low tolerance for pain. anyhow.. i finally bought a new album for myself. : ) im organizing pictures in my folders then i'll print it already. : ) last night, i did not attend the Bible Study at church but went to have coffee with someone instead. i feel sad with my work and i want to work somewhere else. will you pray for me?
sorry about my post. i know its so random, and boring because of no pictures. i'll make up! goodnight all. have a happy weekend. i sure will. : )
Monday, June 15, 2009
monday madness

i feel so sleepy today. and lazy. and when i think that it's only Monday, it makes me feel tired already. hay. my brothers and cousin went back to school today. this made me miss my school days. from my elementary years, to crazy high school days, and memorable college days. i miss Francine and Jen. : ( and everyone else. i hope i could go and visit when i have time. : )
tonight, i got to know someone i just met here online. he added me on Facebook, and it took me a long time to confirm it. when i saw that he is also my bestfriend's friend, i added him up too. so he started chatting with me. he goes to the same church with my brother! what a small world. he seems nice. well, let's see.. ; ) it's nice to have new friends once in awhile. : ) oh well, im off. goodnight!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Wicked Kitchen

Wicked Kitchen's desserts are named after the seven deadly sins. there's Lust, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Wrath, Greed, and Gluttony.
next time i'll go back and try their other desserts and pastas. that giant cookie alone makes the trip to that far away land of Mother Ignacia worth it. ; )
Friday, June 12, 2009
holiday Friday
thank God it's Friday again. : ) aside from today being our country's 111th Independence Day, today is also my little cousin Hannah's 6th birthday. : ) we all had dinner at home tonight to celebrate. my Auntie ordered lechon and fish lumpia, and we cooked spaghetti and roasted chicken. ice cream and cakes for dessert. : ) everyone came here and we all had a great time catching up while the kids played a mini billiard and watched a Mr. Bean CD. Hannah loves Mr. Bean, so Joy made a poster for her with a lot of Mr. Bean's Teddy. isn't it cute? : )
during the afternoon, i attended our gospel meeting in church. there were a lot of sisters and gospel friends who attended that we had to place some more chairs at the back. praise the Lord. : ) sometimes, it's really hard to share the gospel. some people will reject you and even misunderstand you. but this is what we all have to learn. and we should love them just like Jesus did.
im so addicted to a game in Facebook called Mafia Wars. o.O that's what i always do online aside from blogging. and i've been sleeping later than usual because of it too. i need to stop. i wish i could stop. haha.
anyway, im off to bed in awhile.
goodnight all - if there's any! : )
and Happy Birthday to Hannah!! : )
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Ivy's Going Away Party

two weeks ago, Candy emailed me and a few others about a Going Away Party for Ivy. : ) Ivy will be leaving at the end of the month to work at Indonesia. and it's really sad to leave family and friends behind. to get out of your comfort zone is hard. so Candy organized this party - she talked to Joel about the place, and thankfully, he let us use Little Miss Muffin, he even cooked for us! (thank you!! : ) ), had everyone write notes/letters to be placed in a tiny bottle, and decorated the place the day before the party. what a sweeet friend. : )

on Sunday afternoon, we all went there and surprised Ivy. even though she didn't looked really surprised. hehe. but i know she's happy. : ) Koo, Mau, and Sister June was there too and they shared a few words of encouragement. i was late (sorry!) so i only heard Koo shared. and she said that this is a opportunity to experience the Lord and to be used by the Lord. going there and coming home will be this - you loved the Lord more, or you loved the Lord less. i pray that Ivy will be able to shine for the Lord there and stay strong amidst trials. : )
after they shared, we all ate dinner together. i LOVED the food! chicken fritter fries, i ordered beef teriyaki, some ordered chicken katsudon, and Sher ordered salad. : ) more than the food, the company is great! and i really had a great time with them, as always. : )
Sunday, June 7, 2009
D and i bought this arowana last year - 06.07.08. easy to remember huh? and now, it's a year after and she's grown a LOT. and became more beautiful. : ) i can remember when we were counting the days because we don't know if she'd survive - she's too small when we got her. and here she is now. : )
*don't ask me why, because i also don't know why we called her that.
Friday, June 5, 2009
06. 05. 09
im so happy it's Friday already! : ) i always look forward to weekends. aside from having a rest from work, it's also time with D. : ) it's been wet and gloomy these past few days. it gives me (and others) a hard time getting in and out of the house, but other than that, im okay with it. i love it especially during nights when im going to bed.
because of the H1N1 virus, school openings are moved to June 15 instead of June 8. well, that's for the case of my brothers and cousins here. and i heard La Salle will be closed from June 4-14 because of it too. truth be told, it scares me.
i finished reading again The Choice by Nicholas Sparks today. : ) and i really love it - the plot, the twist, and how Sparks wrote it. im a big fan of his, i finished all his 14 novels and 1 memoir he wrote with his brother. i love it all!! : ) four of his novels were adapted into movies. : )
after work, i met up with Alda. : ) we shopped a bit and tried to find an album for me. i've been finding a nice album for my pictures which i plan to print as soon as i sort it properly. then we ate at McDo before coming home. : ) im so happy to be able to meet with friends despite our busy schedules. some things just never change. : )
because of the H1N1 virus, school openings are moved to June 15 instead of June 8. well, that's for the case of my brothers and cousins here. and i heard La Salle will be closed from June 4-14 because of it too. truth be told, it scares me.
i finished reading again The Choice by Nicholas Sparks today. : ) and i really love it - the plot, the twist, and how Sparks wrote it. im a big fan of his, i finished all his 14 novels and 1 memoir he wrote with his brother. i love it all!! : ) four of his novels were adapted into movies. : )
after work, i met up with Alda. : ) we shopped a bit and tried to find an album for me. i've been finding a nice album for my pictures which i plan to print as soon as i sort it properly. then we ate at McDo before coming home. : ) im so happy to be able to meet with friends despite our busy schedules. some things just never change. : )
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
06. 02. 09
can you believe it's June already?! time flies. i haven't been posting regularly as i used to before. i think im running out of things to share. maybe because nothing much is happening than the usual - get up in the morning and work till late afternoon, come home, then go to church. hehe. it's been raining on and off since Friday. i love it, especially when im home already. during nights like this, all i want to do is sleep with lots of BIG and fluffy pillows and hide under the comforter. : ) love it!! and even if i want to stay in bed all day, i can't. haha.
my Uncle and Auntie is coming from Taiwan tomorrow. and im excited to see them. they will be staying for two (!) days only then they'll leave for the States already. im planning to go to Bora this October. hope it'll push through. : )
let me share what im munching on tonight -

Krispy Kreme donuts + hot chocolate with marshmallows = YUM : )
goodnight everyone!
my Uncle and Auntie is coming from Taiwan tomorrow. and im excited to see them. they will be staying for two (!) days only then they'll leave for the States already. im planning to go to Bora this October. hope it'll push through. : )
let me share what im munching on tonight -

Krispy Kreme donuts + hot chocolate with marshmallows = YUM : )
goodnight everyone!
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